
Das renommierte deutsche Benchmarking-, Beratungs- und Softwareunternehmen Hachmeister + Partner wird Teil von Total Specific Solutions DACH

Total Specific Solutions ("TSS") hat das renommierte Benchmarking-, Beratungs- und Softwareunternehmen hachmeister + partner ("h+p") übernommen. Das Unternehmen ist nicht nur ein bekannter Name für…


Total Specific Solutions DACH hat die Geschäftseinheit Star IMT mit den Produkten GRIPS und PRISMA von der Star AG in der Schweiz übernommen

Total Specific Solutions („TSS“) hat die Geschäftseinheit Star Information Management (IMT) mit ihren beiden marktführenden Produkten GRIPS Information Management und PRISMA Smart Content Services…


TSS DACH Leadership Summit 2024 – Moving Forward Together

Im Oktober dieses Jahres fand der jährlich TSS Leadership Summit unter dem Motto "Moving Forward Together" statt. Wir blicken auf zwei Tage des Wissensaustauschs, des Lernens und des Networkings…


Das deutsche Softwareunternehmen C.I.C. Software GmbH hat sich Total Specific Solutions DACH angeschlossen

Total Specific Solutions (“TSS”) hat den Leasing & Finanz Softwareanbieter C.I.C. Software (“CIC”) in Deutschland gekauft. CIC ist der erste Software Anbieter im deutschsprachigen Finanzsegment mit…


Total Specific Solutions DACH hat das deutsche Softwareunternehmen SoftSystem Software Systeme Dunkel GmbH übernommen

Das deutsche Softwareunternehmen SoftSystem Software Systeme Dunkel GmbH ("DIGRAS"), Eigentümer der DIGRAS-Lösung, einer Software für Gebäudereiniger, hat sich TSS DACH ("TSS") angeschlossen. Mit…


The Spanish software company Codisys joins Total Specific Solutions

Codisys is a leading national and international supplier of software, hardware, and professional services solutions for the restaurant and retail sectors. Codisys is the 7th company to join Total…


The French multi-vertical software solution provider DEAL joins Total Specific Solutions

Total Specific Solutions ("TSS") has acquired Deal Informatique and its subsidiary Planilog ("DEAL"), a multi-vertical software company offering a large range of solutions for the French market,…


Total Specific Solutions expands its foothold in Spain with the acquisition of Alvic

Nieuwegein/Barcelona, 22 June 2023. The Alvic Group (“Alvic”), a leading Spanish vertical market software company providing solutions for the energy market, has joined Total Specific Solutions…


Total Specific Solutions strengthens its position in Iceland with the acquisition of Five Degrees

Reykjavik / Nieuwegein, 17 May 2023. Total Specific Solutions (“TSS”) and Topicus, both part of Inc, have successfully completed the acquisition of cloud core banking provider Five…


Total Specific Solutions acquires the Irish software company IMS MAXIMS

Nieuwegein/Dublin, 4 April 2023. Total Specific Solutions (“TSS”) has acquired Irish Medical Systems (Holdings) Ltd, which is known in the Irish and UK market as IMS MAXIMS (“MAXIMS”). This is TSS’s…


The Dutch software company Advisor Software Solutions joins Total Specific Solutions

Total Specific Solutions (“TSS”) expands its position in the horticultural sector by acquiring the Dutch software company Advisor Software Solutions B.V. (“Advisor”). Advisor is the supplier of a…


Total Specific Solutions enters the French insurance vertical with the acquisition of Prima Solutions

Nieuwegein/Paris, 27 January 2023, Total Specific Solutions ("TSS") has acquired Prima Solutions, a leading French InsurTech group that provides modern insurance solutions to primarily French…


Total Specific Solutions übernimmt das deutsche Softwareunternehmen g.on experience GmbH

Der deutsche Softwareanbieter g.on experience GmbH, ein führender Anbieter von Geo-Asset-Management-Lösungen für das Management komplexer Infrastrukturen, ist seit Monatsanfang Teil der Total…


Total Specific Solutions enters the Portuguese local government and education vertical with the acquisition of Edubox and Lusoinfo

Total Specific Solutions ("TSS") has acquired a qualified majority stake in Edubox and 100% of Lusoinfo. Edubox and Lusoinfo are software providers serving local governments with education management…


Total Specific Solutions acquires the British software company Sicon Ltd.

Total Specific Solutions (“TSS”) further expands in the UK with the acquisition of Sicon Ltd, a developer of innovative CRM and vertical solutions to SMEs.


Total Specific Solutions erwirbt den Anbieter von Versicherungssoftware V-D-V GmbH

Total Specific Solutions ("TSS") baut seine Präsenz in Deutschland mit der Übernahme der V-D-V GmbH ("VDV"), einem Marktführer für die Verarbeitung von Versicherungsdaten, der ganzheitliche Lösungen…


TTE-Europe GmbH und seine Tochtergesellschaft Dresden Informatik GmbH haben sich Total Specific Solutions angeschlossen

Total Specific Solutions ("TSS") hat die TTE-Europe GmbH ("TTE"), einen der führenden europäischen Anbieter von Track & Trace-Lösungen für Sprengstoffe, sowie deren Tochterunternehmen Dresden…


Dutch software company Pantheon Automatisering joins Total Specific Solutions

Total Specific Solutions ("TSS") has acquired Pantheon Automatisering B.V., a leading software supplier of business software for Dutch medium-sized enterprises active in manufacturing, trade and the…


Total Specific Solutions acquires a majority share of Sygnity SA in Poland

Total Specific Solutions (‘TSS’) has successfully acquired a controlling stake of Sygnity SA shares in the previously announced tender offer. TSS has now strengthened its position in Poland following…


The software company OSL Europe joins Total Specific Solutions

OSL Europe BV, the company behind STYLEman, becomes part of Total Specific Solutions (“TSS”). STYLEman is a Fashion ERP for wholesalers, CMT manufacturers (Cut, Make, Trim), and retailers. TSS…
